Congratulations to Orlando Arias and Alfredo Lopez: Kionic Awards

Congratulations to the past semester’s winners of the Kionic Awards.

Orlando Arias receives the Kionic Award for Most Promising New Web Designer Fall 2012 and receives $200 for his website designs:

Alfredo Lopez receives the Kionic Award for Best Website Fall 2012 and receives $300 for his mobile optimized designs:

Be sure to check out Alfredo’s website on both the desktop and also mobile devices.

Videos To Watch

Attention Wednesday Web I class: Below are a series of short videos for you to watch. These will help you in the development of your under construction page and will give you further clarification on some questions you may have had from last class. (Friday students are not required to watch these, although they will help to clarify things for you.)

Use these videos to help you construct your page, and later with your site design.

Be prepared to present your initial site designs done in Photoshop or Illustrator.

Web I: Friday’s Online Class

Above is a link to my YouTube playlists that I have created for the Friday’s section of ADV2540 Section7219. It is a compilation of some of the topics which are covered in week 3 class. Watch the cPanel tutorials and the Dreamweaver tutorials.

Watch the videos, and do the following for homework:

  1. Create an email account associated with your portfolio site.
  2. Set up a site in Dreamweaver that is for your portfolio site.
  3. Test it to ensure that you can connect to the server.

In order to do this you must purchase a domain and hosting from an internet service provider. If you have used as recommended, then you will need to have the following:

  • ftp hostname
  • username
  • password

The ftp host name will be “” where yourdomain is the url which you purchased. The username/password will be the same as your account username/password.

There are a couple of things that you should know in advance: the “Root Directory” setting when setting up the server will be “public_html/”.  The you also need to click on the “more options” and select “Use Passive FTP”.  Then when you hit “TEST” you should get a connected response.

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Reminders: This Week’s Web I Classes

Just a reminder to web 1 students of class adjustments for this week:

  • Wednesday’s class will have a late start. We will begin class at 12pm (noon)
  • Friday’s class will be an online class. Watch for class instruction / assignment in an upcoming post.